diff --git a/include/class.pagenate.php b/include/class.pagenate.php
index 190e0c3d37005a0c3a870bd8ab82790e91b9cb81..5873862c05617843c1c716665f43ada93b2d111c 100644
--- a/include/class.pagenate.php
+++ b/include/class.pagenate.php
@@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ class PageNate {
         return max($this->start - $this->slack, 0);
+    function getStop() {
+        return min($this->getStart() + $this->getLimit(), $this->total);
+    }
+    function getCount() {
+        return $this->total;
+    }
     function getLimit() {
         return $this->limit;
diff --git a/include/class.ticket.php b/include/class.ticket.php
index dc9651775c4df11589b56ecc986d9ea1c930aa6b..c93b9856ad462f002da8b07e85d832b91958d356 100644
--- a/include/class.ticket.php
+++ b/include/class.ticket.php
@@ -2765,66 +2765,44 @@ implements RestrictedAccess, Threadable {
         if(!$staff || (!is_object($staff) && !($staff=Staff::lookup($staff))) || !$staff->isStaff())
             return null;
-        $where = array('(ticket.staff_id='.db_input($staff->getId()) .' AND
-                    status.state="open")');
-        $where2 = '';
-        if(($teams=$staff->getTeams()))
-            $where[] = ' ( ticket.team_id IN('.implode(',', db_input(array_filter($teams)))
-                        .') AND status.state="open")';
-        if(!$staff->showAssignedOnly() && ($depts=$staff->getDepts())) //Staff with limited access just see Assigned tickets.
-            $where[] = 'ticket.dept_id IN('.implode(',', db_input($depts)).') ';
-        if (($cfg && !$cfg->showAssignedTickets()) && !$staff->showAssignedTickets())
-            $where2 =' AND (ticket.staff_id=0 OR ticket.team_id=0)';
-        $where = implode(' OR ', $where);
-        if ($where) $where = 'AND ( '.$where.' ) ';
-        $sql =  'SELECT \'open\', count( ticket.ticket_id ) AS tickets '
-                .'FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' ticket '
-                .'INNER JOIN '.TICKET_STATUS_TABLE. ' status
-                    ON (ticket.status_id=status.id
-                            AND status.state=\'open\') '
-                .'WHERE ticket.isanswered = 0 '
-                . $where . $where2
-                .'UNION SELECT \'answered\', count( ticket.ticket_id ) AS tickets '
-                .'FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' ticket '
-                .'INNER JOIN '.TICKET_STATUS_TABLE. ' status
-                    ON (ticket.status_id=status.id
-                            AND status.state=\'open\') '
-                .'WHERE ticket.isanswered = 1 '
-                . $where . ($cfg->showAnsweredTickets() ? $where2 : '')
-                .'UNION SELECT \'overdue\', count( ticket.ticket_id ) AS tickets '
-                .'FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' ticket '
-                .'INNER JOIN '.TICKET_STATUS_TABLE. ' status
-                    ON (ticket.status_id=status.id
-                            AND status.state=\'open\') '
-                .'WHERE ticket.isoverdue =1 '
-                . $where
-                .'UNION SELECT \'assigned\', count( ticket.ticket_id ) AS tickets '
-                .'FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' ticket '
-                .'INNER JOIN '.TICKET_STATUS_TABLE. ' status
-                    ON (ticket.status_id=status.id
-                            AND status.state=\'open\') '
-                .'WHERE ticket.staff_id = ' . db_input($staff->getId()) . ' '
-                . $where
-                .'UNION SELECT \'closed\', count( ticket.ticket_id ) AS tickets '
-                .'FROM ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' ticket '
-                .'INNER JOIN '.TICKET_STATUS_TABLE. ' status
-                    ON (ticket.status_id=status.id
-                            AND status.state=\'closed\' ) '
-                .'WHERE 1 '
-                . $where;
-        $res = db_query($sql);
+        // -- Open and assigned to me
+        $assigned = Q::any(array(
+            'staff_id' => $staff->getId(),
+        ));
+        // -- Open and assigned to a team of mine
+        if ($teams = array_filter($staff->getTeams()))
+            $assigned->add(array('team_id__in' => $teams));
+        $visibility = Q::any(new Q(array('status__state'=>'open', $assigned)));
+        // -- Routed to a department of mine
+        if (!$staff->showAssignedOnly() && ($depts = $staff->getDepts()))
+            $visibility->add(array('dept_id__in' => $depts));
+        $blocks = Ticket::objects()
+            ->filter(Q::any($visibility))
+            ->filter(array('status__state' => 'open'))
+            ->aggregate(array('count' => SqlAggregate::COUNT('ticket_id')))
+            ->values('status__state', 'isanswered', 'isoverdue','staff_id', 'team_id');
         $stats = array();
-        while($row = db_fetch_row($res)) {
-            $stats[$row[0]] = $row[1];
+        $hideassigned = ($cfg && !$cfg->showAssignedTickets()) && !$staff->showAssignedTickets();
+        $showanswered = $cfg->showAnsweredTickets();
+        $id = $staff->getId();
+        foreach ($blocks as $S) {
+            if ($showanswered || !$S['isanswered']) {
+                if (!($hideassigned && ($S['staff_id'] || $S['team_id'])))
+                    $stats['open'] += $S['count'];
+            }
+            else {
+                $stats['answered'] += $S['count'];
+            }
+            if ($S['isoverdue'])
+                $stats['overdue'] += $S['count'];
+            if ($S['staff_id'] == $id)
+                $stats['assigned'] += $S['count'];
+            elseif ($S['team_id'] && $S['staff_id'] == 0)
+                $stats['assigned'] += $S['count'];
         return $stats;
diff --git a/include/staff/tickets.inc.php b/include/staff/tickets.inc.php
index 616d3a8a22e9ddbff8a71abe97a41f9c14cbd879..5d982b1b0264625cd9eb37b2a9aa856fc26fc448 100644
--- a/include/staff/tickets.inc.php
+++ b/include/staff/tickets.inc.php
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ case 'assigned':
     $results_type=__('My Tickets');
-    $tickets->filter(array('staff_id'=>$thisstaff->getId()));
+    $tickets->filter(Q::any(array(
+        'staff_id'=>$thisstaff->getId(),
+        Q::all(array('staff_id' => 0, 'team_id__gt' => 0)),
+    )));
     $queue_sort_options = array('updated', 'priority,updated',
         'priority,created', 'priority,due', 'due', 'answered', 'number',
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ case 'open':
 if ($status != 'closed' && $queue_name != 'assigned') {
     $hideassigned = ($cfg && !$cfg->showAssignedTickets()) && !$thisstaff->showAssignedTickets();
     $showassigned = !$hideassigned;
-    if ($status == 'open' && $hideassigned)
+    if ($queue_name == 'open' && $hideassigned)
         $tickets->filter(array('staff_id'=>0, 'team_id'=>0));
@@ -535,7 +538,10 @@ return false;">
     if ($total>0) { //if we actually had any tickets returned.
-        echo '<div>&nbsp;'.__('Page').':'.$pageNav->getPageLinks().'&nbsp;';
+?>      <div>
+            <span class="faded pull-right"><?php echo $pageNav->showing(); ?></span>
+        echo __('Page').':'.$pageNav->getPageLinks().'&nbsp;';
         echo sprintf('<a class="export-csv no-pjax" href="?%s">%s</a>',
                         'a' => 'export', 'h' => $hash,
diff --git a/scp/tickets.php b/scp/tickets.php
index e5e03aa2ea37dbe603e5e53f916bc9c4b35db038..c08e3d5ac4a429d2d0c7e2d6150086379d5ef253 100644
--- a/scp/tickets.php
+++ b/scp/tickets.php
@@ -393,14 +393,14 @@ if($stats['overdue']) {
 if($thisstaff->showAssignedOnly() && $stats['closed']) {
-    $nav->addSubMenu(array('desc'=>__('My Closed Tickets').' ('.number_format($stats['closed']).')',
+    $nav->addSubMenu(array('desc'=>__('My Closed Tickets'),
                            'title'=>__('My Closed Tickets'),
 } else {
-    $nav->addSubMenu(array('desc' => __('Closed').' ('.number_format($stats['closed']).')',
+    $nav->addSubMenu(array('desc' => __('Closed'),
                            'title'=>__('Closed Tickets'),