diff --git a/include/class.queue.php b/include/class.queue.php
index cea1404ed892f83fb63b32c91f956cbaca057fd5..dfa3846425c8d86c867d491f52c2b75be4fafb1e 100644
--- a/include/class.queue.php
+++ b/include/class.queue.php
@@ -1265,6 +1265,44 @@ class CustomQueue extends VerySimpleModel {
             && $this->sorts->saveAll();
+    /**
+     * Fetch a tree-organized listing of the queues. Each queue is listed in
+     * the tree exactly once, and every visible queue is represented. The
+     * returned structure is an array where the items are two-item arrays
+     * where the first item is a CustomQueue object an the second is a list
+     * of the children using the same pattern (two-item arrays of a CustomQueue
+     * and its children). Visually:
+     *
+     * [ [ $queue, [ [ $child, [] ], [ $child, [] ] ], [ $queue, ... ] ]
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * $staff - <Staff> staff object which should be used to determine
+     *      visible queues.
+     * $pid - <int> parent_id of root queue. Default is zero (top-level)
+     */
+    static function getHierarchicalQueues(Staff $staff, $pid=0) {
+        $all = static::objects()
+            ->filter(Q::any(array(
+                'flags__hasbit' => self::FLAG_PUBLIC,
+                'flags__hasbit' => static::FLAG_QUEUE,
+                'staff_id' => $staff->getId(),
+            )))
+            ->exclude(['flags__hasbit' => self::FLAG_DISABLED])
+            ->asArray();
+        // Find all the queues with a given parent
+        $for_parent = function($pid) use ($all, &$for_parent) {
+            $results = [];
+            foreach (new \ArrayIterator($all) as $q) {
+                if ($q->parent_id == $pid)
+                    $results[] = [ $q, $for_parent($q->getId()) ];
+            }
+            return $results;
+        };
+        return $for_parent($pid);
+    }
     static function getOrmPath($name, $query=null) {
         // Special case for custom data `__answers!id__value`. Only add the
         // join and constraint on the query the first pass, when the query
diff --git a/include/staff/templates/queue-navigation.tmpl.php b/include/staff/templates/queue-navigation.tmpl.php
index b903f29fd12e025df3e519af361d0eb693e89a52..3e40918fd8f94efdd80c27d285b626c5e3aff58f 100644
--- a/include/staff/templates/queue-navigation.tmpl.php
+++ b/include/staff/templates/queue-navigation.tmpl.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 // $q - <CustomQueue> object for this navigation entry
 // $selected - <bool> true if this queue is currently active
 // $child_selected - <bool> true if the selected queue is a descendent
+$childs = $children;
 $this_queue = $q;
 $selected = (!isset($_REQUEST['a'])  && $_REQUEST['queue'] == $this_queue->getId());
@@ -28,8 +29,21 @@ $selected = (!isset($_REQUEST['a'])  && $_REQUEST['queue'] == $this_queue->getId
       <!-- Start Dropdown and child queues -->
-      <?php foreach ($this_queue->getPublicChildren() as $q) {
-          include 'queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php';
+      <?php foreach ($childs as $_) {
+          list($q, $children) = $_;
+          if (!$q->isPrivate())
+              include 'queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php';
+      }
+      $first_child = true;
+      foreach ($childs as $_) {
+        list($q, $children) = $_;
+        if (!$q->isPrivate())
+            continue;
+        if ($first_child) {
+            $first_child = false;
+            echo '<li class="personalQ"></li>';
+        }
+        include 'queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php';
       } ?>
       <!-- Personal Queues -->
diff --git a/include/staff/templates/queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php b/include/staff/templates/queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php
index b0cbeeb75d98b1db5ac61e7004b1cd20aa48c732..fa33b7b7223e23097ee83b1b5a55013efea4c994 100644
--- a/include/staff/templates/queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php
+++ b/include/staff/templates/queue-subnavigation.tmpl.php
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 // Calling conventions
 // $q - <CustomQueue> object for this navigation entry
+// $children - <Array<CustomQueue>> all direct children of this queue
 $queue = $q;
-$children = !$queue instanceof SavedSearch ? $queue->getPublicChildren() : array();
-$subq_searches = !$queue instanceof SavedSearch ? $queue->getMyChildren() : array();
-$hasChildren = count($children) + count($subq_searches) > 0;
+$hasChildren = count($children) > 0;
 $selected = $_REQUEST['queue'] == $q->getId();
 global $thisstaff;
@@ -27,24 +26,30 @@ global $thisstaff;
-    $closure_include = function($q) use ($thisstaff, $ost, $cfg) {
+    $closure_include = function($q, $children) {
         global $thisstaff, $ost, $cfg;
         include __FILE__;
     if ($hasChildren) { ?>
     <ul class="subMenuQ">
-    foreach ($children as $q)
-        $closure_include($q);
+    foreach ($children as $_) {
+        list($q, $childs) = $_;
+        if (!$q->isPrivate())
+          $closure_include($q, $childs);
+    }
     // Include personal sub-queues
     $first_child = true;
-    foreach ($subq_searches as $q) {
-      if ($first_child) {
+    foreach ($children as $_) {
+      list($q, $childs) = $_;
+      if ($q->isPrivate()) {
+        if ($first_child) {
           $first_child = false;
           echo '<li class="personalQ"></li>';
+        }
+        $closure_include($q, $childs);
-      $closure_include($q);
     } ?>
diff --git a/scp/tickets.php b/scp/tickets.php
index 450403f99b1639037ba303f06f8cbfbb99c944fe..82e9b07032bb34897244e6bd88691a8ef6dd5aab 100644
--- a/scp/tickets.php
+++ b/scp/tickets.php
@@ -445,19 +445,14 @@ $nav->setTabActive('tickets');
 $nav->addSubNavInfo('jb-overflowmenu', 'customQ_nav');
 // Fetch ticket queues organized by root and sub-queues
-$queues = SavedQueue::queues()
-    ->filter(Q::any(array(
-        'flags__hasbit' => CustomQueue::FLAG_PUBLIC,
-        'staff_id' => $thisstaff->getId(),
-    )))
-    ->exclude(['flags__hasbit' => CustomQueue::FLAG_DISABLED])
-    ->getIterator();
+$queues = CustomQueue::getHierarchicalQueues($thisstaff);
 // Start with all the top-level (container) queues
-foreach ($queues->findAll(array('parent_id' => 0))
-as $q) {
-    $nav->addSubMenu(function() use ($q, $queue) {
-        $selected = false;
+foreach ($queues as $_) {
+    list($q, $children) = $_;
+    if ($q->isPrivate())
+        continue;
+    $nav->addSubMenu(function() use ($q, $queue, $children) {
         // A queue is selected if it is the one being displayed. It is
         // "child" selected if its ID is in the path of the one selected
         $child_selected = $queue