diff --git a/include/ajax.search.php b/include/ajax.search.php
index fabe2d810fdd8e694d566b418b656c028e94a916..2cf5521512e6cd6b32b26b36576757b868c069d5 100644
--- a/include/ajax.search.php
+++ b/include/ajax.search.php
@@ -394,8 +394,7 @@ class SearchAjaxAPI extends AjaxController {
         $criteria = array();
         if ($ids && is_array($ids))
             $criteria = array('id__in' => $ids);
-        $counts = SavedQueue::counts($thisstaff, $criteria);
+        $counts = SavedQueue::counts($thisstaff, true, $criteria);
         Http::response(200, false, 'application/json');
         return $this->encode($counts);
diff --git a/include/class.search.php b/include/class.search.php
index 3ffae21424c16361e8f21370a8cc4dcf829f35bb..7248c25199776524be97dbae5f297761155cb8ca 100644
--- a/include/class.search.php
+++ b/include/class.search.php
@@ -847,41 +847,45 @@ class SavedQueue extends CustomQueue {
         return (!$errors);
+    function getTotal($agent=null) {
+        $query = $this->getQuery();
+        if ($agent)
+            $query = $agent->applyVisibility($query);
+        $query->limit(false)->offset(false)->order_by(false);
+        try {
+            return $query->count();
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
     function getCount($agent, $cached=true) {
-        $criteria = $cached ? array() : array('id' => $this->getId());
-        $counts = self::counts($agent, $criteria, $cached);
-        return $counts["q{$this->getId()}"] ?: 0;
+        $count = null;
+        if ($cached && ($counts = self::counts($agent, $cached)))
+            $count = $counts["q{$this->getId()}"];
+        if ($count == null)
+            $count = $this->getTotal($agent);
+        return $count;
     // Get ticket counts for queues the agent has acces to.
-    static function counts($agent, $criteria=array(), $cached=true) {
+    static function counts($agent, $cached=true, $criteria=array()) {
         if (!$agent instanceof Staff)
-            return array();
+            return null;
         // Cache TLS in seconds
-        $ttl = 3600;
+        $ttl = 5*60;
         // Cache key based on agent and salt of the installation
         $key = "counts.queues.{$agent->getId()}.".SECRET_SALT;
         if ($criteria && is_array($criteria)) // Consider additional criteria.
             $key .= '.'.md5(serialize($criteria));
         // only consider cache if requesed
-        if ($cached) {
-            if (function_exists('apcu_store')) {
-                $found = false;
-                $counts = apcu_fetch($key, $found);
-                if ($found === true)
-                    return $counts;
-            } elseif (isset($_SESSION[$key])
-                    && isset($_SESSION[$key]['qcount'])
-                    && (time() - $_SESSION[$key]['time']) < $ttl) {
-                return $_SESSION[$key]['qcount'];
-            } else {
-                // Auto clear missed session cache (if any)
-                unset($_SESSION[$key]);
-            }
-        }
+        if ($cached && ($counts=self::getCounts($key, $ttl)))
+            return $counts;
         $queues = static::objects()
@@ -913,17 +917,45 @@ class SavedQueue extends CustomQueue {
-        $counts = $query->values()->one();
+        try {
+            $counts = $query->values()->one();
+        }  catch (Exception $ex) {
+            foreach ($queues as $q)
+                $counts['q'.$q->getId()] = $q->getTotal();
+        }
         // Always cache the results
+        self::storeCounts($key, $counts, $ttl);
+        return $counts;
+    }
+    static function getCounts($key, $ttl) {
+        if (!$key) {
+            return array();
+        } elseif (function_exists('apcu_store')) {
+            $found = false;
+            $counts = apcu_fetch($key, $found);
+            if ($found === true)
+                return $counts;
+        } elseif (isset($_SESSION['qcounts'][$key])
+                && (time() - $_SESSION['qcounts'][$key]['time']) < $ttl) {
+            return $_SESSION['qcounts'][$key]['counts'];
+        } else {
+            // Auto clear missed session cache (if any)
+            unset($_SESSION['qcounts'][$key]);
+        }
+    }
+    static function storeCounts($key, $counts, $ttl) {
         if (function_exists('apcu_store')) {
             apcu_store($key, $counts, $ttl);
         } else {
             // Poor man's cache
-            $_SESSION[$key]['qcount'] = $counts;
-            $_SESSION[$key]['time'] = time();
+            $_SESSION['qcounts'][$key]['counts'] = $counts;
+            $_SESSION['qcounts'][$key]['time'] = time();
-        return $counts;
     static function clearCounts() {
diff --git a/include/staff/templates/queue-tickets.tmpl.php b/include/staff/templates/queue-tickets.tmpl.php
index fe82ff9a21460eda9090a000f4fda147a99bc323..41ffef2a6303925094eece20861e9b420d2c308d 100644
--- a/include/staff/templates/queue-tickets.tmpl.php
+++ b/include/staff/templates/queue-tickets.tmpl.php
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $tickets = $tickets->filter(['ticket_id__in' => $criteria->values_flat('ticket_i
 # Index hint should be used on the $criteria query only
-$count = $queue->getCount($thisstaff);
+$count = $queue->getCount($thisstaff) ?: (PAGE_LIMIT*3);
 $pageNav->setTotal($count, true);
 $pageNav->setURL('tickets.php', $args);
diff --git a/scp/autocron.php b/scp/autocron.php
index cc124455f3a246ef97f37ce3fe7482d8d9797e93..c19e1520f4a465512ca3cd30e28d3fc26d49aec3 100644
--- a/scp/autocron.php
+++ b/scp/autocron.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.cron.php');
 // Run tickets count every 3rd run or so... force new count by skipping cached
 // results
 if ((mt_rand(1, 12) % 3) == 0)
-    SavedQueue::counts($thisstaff, array(), false);
+    SavedQueue::counts($thisstaff, false);
 // Clear staff obj to avoid false credit internal notes & auto-assignment
 $thisstaff = null;