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  • Manish R Jain's avatar
    Posting List and Raft bug fixes (#2457) · 06ea4c54
    Manish R Jain authored
    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed a recently introduced bug in posting list, which caused persisted postings to be skipped.
    - Fix a long-standing bug, where we were dropping messages if `n.messages` channel was full. That caused loss of `MsgProp` messages, which had to be retried. There are other ways messages could be dropped, but doing it here was unnecessary.
    - Moved all tests to use docker-compose. now runs after running a 3-node cluster of Dgraph alphas.
    - Added an internal retry mechanism for dropped proposals in both server and Zero.
    - Moved random number generator to the common conn/node.go.
    - Moved common Dgraph flags to RootCmd.
    - Allowed Zero to expose its trace.
    - All server package unit tests now use Docker-based Dgraph cluster, instead of spawning their own Dgraph instances.
    - Query tests still work with their own Zero server.
    - Upgrade Raft library.
    - Improve tracking for proposal contexts.